LIFE as we know it ,is not actually how i
think i should've have had perceived it,but before today everything was so
simple so clear , but from today things changed .

of great value, something of great concern, something that requires reasoning
determination will our *ZAMEER* out time.
talking about myself I'm no different ,lost somewhere , a place a dwelling far
from the real occurring , somewhere where things seem fascinating , out
of the world , where our mind doesn't comprehend our very imaginations, where
the real world is setback in shadows.
a broken feeling is all you want in mid of fake happiness, fake smiles, silent
tears and pretending clones. A tear dripping out, moving down to your throat
and then fading away in a glimpse of a second.
feeling so real so true so pure , tiny droplets of sadness expressing what you
really feeling at heart ,no pretending no something you've not wanted on the
particular time at the particular place at the very moment ,at any stage of
life you've stepped into on any account any cost any compromises any means
from ones own heart, not a single being can know the feelings the emotions the
value of something one has in his heart.
sorrows ,the lost love the complexes the feeling of *KAASH* the emptiness the
missing shoulder ,the deprived feeling of motherly love ones feel is not to be
described in words counting till infinity .
pain the misery the heart stab the *GHAIR YAKEENI* feeling of loosing someone
,someone so close ,someone so part of you ,someone who makes you complete
someone who makes you alive someone who makes you see
hidden road ahead of you someone whose presence pulls you out of from unanswerable questions someone who makes you win the quest of life and death
,someone yours truly yours only yours.
The unbelievable feeling of success heights prosperity ,life gives to a soul. A soul
not ready to accept what he has achieved in this very doomed world ,the world
whose ending is predicted anytime sooner ,a life no longer then few year,s ,our
plans no more then chess moves ,the success very short very temporary very un
contending .
moment when you realize what you were and what have you changed into ,the
trembling thoughts the vivid dreams the blur images .
fears of Acrophobia(height) Agliophobia(pain) Atychiphobia(failures).
fears that make you fall , deep down in craves unseen from the eyes of a man
ignorant to one own self , his real self.
real you awaits in the world out side the cocoon shell ones in ,trapped
reach to the real eternity .
The two
diverse roads and our will proportionate .
to short to for misery guilt and regrets .
Let go
of ropes holding you onto it . let it go.
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