Tuesday 2 August 2016

Endless Stream of infinite love from the Divine

                        My Quest for Love


  • ·         How often do you sit to ponder over your conscience?
  • ·         How often do you indulge yourself in the quest for a deeper intuitive understanding about yourself?
  • ·         How often do you see a reflection of God in your heart?
  • ·         Are you a shallow swimmer or did you ever think of diving in the deep currents of the river and forming the ocean?
  • ·         Has your heart ever questioned the capacity of the container you carry within yourself to fill with the knowledge of God, you and your love for God?
  • ·         Is HE just a God who created you or a God you long to see, to love to feel His presence in your heart?
  • ·         Have you felt Him with you lately or are you just too drifted and deluded in the worldly affairs that you fail to recall “ Remember me and I will remember you” and how unlucky are we that we prefer being part of the memories of His creation and not the Creator Himself?
  • ·         Have you dived into the ocean of love that the words unspoken reach out to Him?
  • ·         Have you thought of mending your soul by mending your relation with God?
  • ·         Have you stepped in the zone of Divine love where the language we know becomes obsolete?
  • ·         Have you felt your heart and mind in a constant battle to form an accord and your words are only grasped through silence by your Lord?
  • ·         Have you called upon Him with the same love and hope when you have no patience, little time and no light that you can see?
  • ·         Have you fallen in Sujood after surfing the noble currents of your little walk of life?
  • ·         Have you ever tried finding him in the hearts of His creation?
  • ·         Have you loved His creation for the love of Allah?
  • ·         Have you ever loved HIM?

Now ask yourself has he ever:
Loved you less?
Abandoned you?
Been any less forgiving?
Been any less merciful?

In everything you do, it is your heart that matters to Him. Close your eyes and open a third eye that sees the inner realm for yourself and the person ahead of you not the outer appearance matters if your heart is stoned. Learn to make peace with yourself in solitude, it is only then will you find your true self. Awaken your insight, your third eye. 
Real love begins when nothing is expected in return, no heaven no hell, it’s you and your                                                                      Lord.

Quest to find your Lord.

Struggle to find Him in your hearts and in the hearts of His creation, we are His reflection, every human is a bit of Him, His light, His love.

I’d like to conclude with these beautiful words:
It's easy to love a perfect God, unblemished and infallible that He is. What is far more difficult is to love fellow human beings with all their imperfections and defects. Remember one can only know what one is capable of loving. There is no wisdom without Love. Unless we learn to love God's creation, we can neither truly love nor can truly know God
- 40 Rules of Religious Love


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