A Condescending Approach to Life
Warakhmatullah my brothers and sisters!
We are a creation so perfect by our creator, A
Perfectionist, Subhan’Allah

Being part of this censorious society we have innate reduced
human measure scales of beauty, according to which we classify a person as
acceptable or guilty of imperfection.
Our reduced definitions of beauty limits to certain parts of
our body, eyes, hair, feet or whatever.
I believe everyone is guilty of their carping instincts at
some point, little or big
We have solely lost the concept of perceiving beauty
For instance, a brother grows to an age of marriage and you
might would want a general survey from the people around you, appearance nay a
very defined appearance, is by far the most important element a man will
look for in his woman, rarely are chances that a girl is valued for her
intellect, education, an ability to run a household, chances of being an
appreciable life partner and a good mentor for his to come babies.
The aftermath, many of you must already be aware of.
Anyhow the point I’ve been trying to make is, this all has
drastically affected girls in their teen ages or I might can add girls under
teens as well.
Every other girl ferrets up some minor flaws in their
appearance either in their skin they might find a zit or they find their legs
too short (even if they’re 5"6, the irony) or their cheeks too chubby or their hair too short or they’re fat, I hardly see flesh anymore, we no longer need to procure skeletons for medical surveys for every woman is a walking case of bones (No offense to skinny women, you’re beautiful, just don’t
call yourself FAT and avoid bone dissolving crash diets) and something or something. Every girl is
struggling so hard to get bones instead of cheeks, sticks instead of arms and
But what we fail to understand is, you will never be worth
it for a person who fails to see beauty within you despite all what you’re
gifted with. Wallahi, cruelty.
A person lacking the ability to look right at your flaws and
chose to ignore them, and love you for who you really are for no human is
flawless. By God, you WILL get wrinkles one day. You WILL get swollen eyes,
freckles, white hair, loose skin, broad waist, but upon my soul a good heart remains
there in.
Our little imagination has limited ability to foresee the
big picture rather we’re personalized to go for the glitter but a wise one said
every glowing piece is not GOLD.
It’s very convenient for us to splash out mean comments on
how a person simply looks, what we fail to realize is how deeply we wound that
poor soul guilty of being unlike you/me, guilty of being different or fails to
fit your reduced belittled definition of being acceptable to the society.
You’re fashioned exquisitely. And there is someone out there
struggling so hard to be like you but you don’t know the importance of it for
you did not struggle any, it was God gifted so it’s for granted. It’s useless
and you need to change it. You just need to challenge everything. Just can’t be
happy with itCan You? Nah
The raised levels of anxiety and mental disorders are
because of how complicated we make of things.
We have adopted this natural tendency of belittling
and humiliating ourselves so that someone might have sympathy and say a
few words of kindness.
But my question is, WHY?
Why such a condescending approach for one ownself?
Why try so hard for people to love you when you choose the
exact opposite?
Love yourself. You’re worth it.
The right people will always value you and you cannot
possibly be an epitome of perfection for all eyes.
Every individual has different beauty standards.
Time to modify your mind storming & reshape your
own perspective.
Stop feeling so little, compromising and aimless about your
Beautiful things are waiting, look around you.
You choose to ignore high prospects for you’re too busy
making others realizes your existence.
They’ll know it, I assure you.
Break the cocoon shell and set yourself free from all the
hectics of constant self realization and be who you are.
You don’t like heels? Great, don’t wear them
You don’t like tights? Great, don’t wear them.
You like Shalwar Kameez, Go for it.
You like loose cloths and covering your hair,
Mash’Allah then my sister, Go for it.
Let go of Don’ts and go with the Do’s.
You define fashion, It doesn’t define you.
Don’t go with the flow; reshape your ocean, that’s the
power of a woman.
Let your radiance out roar. Walk with confidence. Know your
You’re here to prove nothing, live for yourself.
My sisters:
Embrace your flaws, look right at them and choose to prefer your virtues,
integrity, equity, goodness over your depravity.
Love. x